På RygCenter Mølholm er den faglige kvalitet i højsædet. Tilsammen har vi over 40 års erfaring med rygkirurgi. Gennem kontinuerlig deltagelse i kurser og kongresser sikrer vi at den faglige standard forbliver høj.
Fokus på varighed af smerter fra nerverodsafklemning
DaneSpine årsrapporten 2022 viser at der er en sammenhæng mellem varigheden af smerter fra nerveafklemning i enten nakken eller lænden, og effekten af operation med frilægning af nerven.
(Se figur 12 og figur 19). Er smertevarigheden over 3 måneder, reduceres effekten af operation.
Det samme blev konkluderet i et studie af patienter med diskusprolaps i lænden i Region Syddanmark, udgivet i 2017 (Dan Med J 64/7). Studiet viste at det var markant sværere at komme tilbage i arbejde, hvis smertevarigheden var over 3 måneder.
Timing af operation for diskusprolaps i nakken eller lænden er individuel, men bør for manges vedkommende ikke udsættes væsentligt over 3 måneder.
Læs hele DaneSpine årsrapporten 2022
Læs også artikel: Dan Med J 64/7
Return to work after lumbar disc surgery is related to the length of preoperative sick leave
Speciallæger og behandlere

subspecialefunktion i rygkirurgi siden 1995
særlig kompetence indenfor mikrokirurgisk rygkirurgi
Fra 2003: fuldtidspraktiserende speciallæge i neurokirurgi ved RygCenter Mølholm, Privathospitalet Mølholm A/S. Beskæftiget udelukkende med diagnostisering og behandling af degenerative og neoplastiske lidelser i rygsøjlen
1990 til 2003: ansat ved neurokirurgisk afdeling Odense Universitetshospital. Under denne ansættelse hovedsageligt beskæftiget med rygkirurgiske problemstillinger vedrørende behandling af degenerative og neoplastiske lidelser i rygsøjlen samt behandling af rygfrakturer. Har desuden haft særlige interesse- og ansvarsområder indenfor neurotraumatologi og neurointensiv terapi
- 1993: speciallæge i neurokirurgi
- 1988 - 1990: ansat i kursusstilling ved Hvidovre Hospital, Københavns Kommune
- 1986 - 1988: ansat ved neurokirurgisk afdeling Århus Kommunehospital
- 1983 - 1986: ansat ved Odense Universitetshospital på afdelingerne neurokirurgi, medicinsk gastroenterologi samt plastikkirurgi.
- 1982 - 1983: aftjening af værnepligt ved Lægekorpset ved Flyvestation Ålborg og Karup.
Efter hjemsendelse rådighedskontrakt med forsvaret frem til 1996. - 1982: lægevidenskabelig eksamen Odense Universitet.
Medlemskab af videnskabelige selskaber
North American Spine Society, NASS
Dansk Neurokirurgisk selskab
Dansk Neurologisk selskab
Dansk Rygkirurgisk selskab
Dansk selskab for intensiv terapi
AO Spine
Specielle interesseområder
Minimal invasive mikrokirurgisk operationsmetoder og procedurer i forbindelse med behandling af degenerative og neoplastiske lidelser i rygsøjlen.
Aktiv deltagelse i internationale kongresser, konferencer og kurser
2020, Februar. ISASS20, international society for advancement of spine surgery. 20th.Annual conference. Puerto Rico, USA.
2019, November, Cervical Spine Research Society, instructional course and 47.th annual meeting. New York, USA.
2018, Sept., gæsteforelæser på ISMISS, Internatioal Society for minimal interaction in spinal surgery, 36.th Course for percutaneous endoscopic spinal surgery, Homburg-Saar, Germany
2018, Sept., NASS, North American spine Society, Annual meeting, Los Angeles
2018, Juni, gæstespeaker på Karl Storz Master spine camp, Berlin
2017, Nov-Dec CSRS, Cervical spine research society, 45.th annual meeting, Florida
2017, Okt. NASS, North Amercian Spine Society, Annual meeting, Orlando, Florida
2017, Juli, North American Spine society, NASS, Summer Spine Meeting, San Diego.
2017, Januar, NASS, annual meeting, Chicago.
2016, December, CSRS, Cervical spine research society, Instructional course and Annual meeting, Toronto
2016, Oktober NASS, North America soine society, Annual meeting, Boston.
2016, September, udvikling af endoskopisk udstyr Spinetip, virksomhedskonference, Karl Storz, Tyskland
2016, September, virksomhedsbesøg Karl Zeiss, Tyskland,
2016, Maj Cervical spine research society, Minimal invasive cervical surgery, St Louis, USA.
2015, 3.-5. dec, Cervical spine research society, Annual meeting, San Diego, Californien.
2015, 4.-6. nov., SMISS, Global forum, Minimal invasive spine, Las Vegas, USA.
2015, 14.-17. okt., 30.th Annual meeting, North America spine society, Chicago, USA.
2015, 5.-7. okt., Percutaneus endoscopic surgery of the lumbar and thoracic spine, STORZ, Tubingen, Tyskland.
2015, Maj, North American spine society, Chicago, USA.
2015, Maj, Congresso Nationale, Societa vertebrale, Roma, IT.
2015, April, Advanced instructional course cervical surgery . St Louis, Missouri, USA.
2014, December, 42. Annual meeting, Cervical Spine Research Society, Orlando, Fl., USA.
2014, November, Annual meeting. Pre-course, NASS, San Fransisco, Cal, USA.
2014, Oktober, DEXA-scanning, Hologic, Bruxelles
2014, September, Endoscopic techniques lumbar spine hands-on, University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado, USA
2014, Juli,. Summer Spine Meeting, NASS. Amelia Island, Fl, USA
2014, Maj, Spinal injection, North American spine Society, Chicago, ILL.
2014, Marts, Minimal invasive surgery, NASS, St Louis University, Missouri, USA
2014, Februar, Cervical spine decompressions and stabilization techniques, CSRS, St Louis University, Missouri, USA.
2013, December. Los Angeles, USA. Cervical Spine Research Society. Instructional course and annual meeting.
2013, Oktober. North America Spine Society, New Orleans, USA, Annual meeting.
2013, August. Florida, USA, Summermeeting.
2013, September. Meppen, Tyskland. Endoscopic course.
2013, April. Frankfurt, Endoscopic Course, Spine,
2013, Februar. Salt Lake City, USA, North America Spine Society, Wintermeeting.
2012, December. Cervical Spine Research Society, Annual meeting.
2012, Oktober. North America Spine Society, Dallas, USA, 27. Annual meeting.
2012, Juni. Medtronic Endoscopic course.
2012, Februar. North America Spine Society, Wintermeeting.
2011, December. Scottsdale, USA, Cervical Spine Research Society, 39.th annual meeting & instructional course.
2011, November. Chicago, USA , North America Spine Society, 26.th annual meeting.
2011, September. Køln, Tyskland.
2011, Juni. Munchen. AO-Spine.
2011, Juni. Luzern. Schweiz. AO-Spine.
2011, Maj. Chicago, USA, North America Spine Society Annual meeting.
2011, Marts. St. Louis, USA, CSRS.
2011, Januar. St. Louis, USA, Cercival Spine Research Society.
2010, December. North Carolina, USA, Cervical Spine Research Society, Instructional course.
2010, December. North Carolina , USA, Cervical Spine Research Society, 38.th annual meeting.
2010, Oktober, Orlando, Florida, North American spine society, NASS, 25. annual meeting.
2010, September. Munchen, Ludwig- Maximilians Universitet & Ortopedic Clinic Munich-Harlaching. Spinal microsurgery, Anterior approches to the thoracic and lumbar spine.
2010, Februar. Ludwig-Maximilians Universitet & Ortopedic Clinic Munich-Harlaching.Spinal microsurgery, Anterior approaches to the craniocervical junction and cervical spine.
2009, november, San Fransisco, North American spine society, NASS, 24. annual meeting.
2009, april, Puerto Rico, North American spine society, NASS Spring break
2009, marts, Munchen, spinal microsurgery 11, posterior approches to the lumbar spine.
2008, oktober, Toronto, Canada, North American spine society, NASS, 23. annual meeting.
2008, oktober, Munchen, spinal microsurgery 10, posterior approches to the cervical spine and craniocervical junction.
2008, maj, Geneve, Schweiz, spine week.
2008, februar, Munchen, Spinal Microsurgery 9, principles of spinal microsurgery.
2008, oktober: North America Spine Society, 23. annual meeting, Toronto, Canada.
2008, maj: SpineWeek, Geneve, Schweiz.
2008, januar: Cervical Spine Research Society, minimal invasive surgery, hands-on-course, Missouri.
2007, december: University of Cornell, New York, minimal invasive surgery.
2007, oktober: North American Spine Society, 22. annual meeting.
2007, oktober: München, Spinal Microsurgery 8, "Anterior Approaches to the Craniocervical Junction and Cervical Spine" will take place at the Institute of Anatomy, Ludwig-Maximilians-University and the Orthocenter Munich.
2007, maj: München, " AO SPINE New Concepts in Spine surgery and Navigation". Murnau/Feldkirchen.
2006, marts: "Spinal Microsurgery 5. anterior approaches to the Craniocervical junction and upper cervical spine, hands on course". München.
2006, marts: Forårsmøde NASS, San Diego, USA.
2005, december: Kongres San Diego, Californien, USA, Cervical Spine Research Society.
2005, oktober: Kongres, North American Spine Society, Philadelphia. Congress.
2005, september: Eurospine, Barcelona. Europæisk kongres for rygkirurger.
2005, april: Seminar, Florida. Forskning og behandling af lænderyglidelser.
2004, december: Kongres, North American Spine Society, Boston.
2004, oktober: Kongres, North American Spine Society, Chicago. Årlig kongres for primært amerikanske rygkirurger.
2004, august: Texas Back Institute, Texas. http://www.texasback.com Udført rygoperationer i samarbejde med amerikanske kolleger.
2004, august: Oklahoma Spine Hospital http://www.oklahomaspine.com Udført rygoperationer i samarbejde med amerikanske kolleger.
2002, Euroneuro (Tyskland).
2000, EuroNeuro (Belgien).
1998, EuroNeuro ( Belgien).
2001, WFNS (Australia) med præsentation af columnaproblem.
1997, WFNS (Holland).
1993, WFNS (Mexico).

Afsluttet Ph.D studium v. Loyola University og Chicago, graduate school of medical sciences, Neuroscience program
Medicinsk embedseksamen fra Odense Universitet
2006 Speciallæge i neurokirurgi
1989-1990 Deltids scholarstipendiat ved Institut for Neurobiology, Aarhus Universitet
1990-1994 Ph.D. stipendium ved Loyola University of Chicago, program of Neuroscience.
1994-1995 Deltids Scholarstipendiat ved Institut for Anatomi og Cytologi (neurobiologisk section) ved Odense Universitet.
1995 Reservelægevikar, organkirurgisk afdeling, Haderslev Sygehus
1996 Reservelæge v. Neurokirurgisk afdeling, Odense Universitetshospital
1996-1998 Turnusansættelse i Frederiksborg Amt
1998-1999 Introduktions reservelæge ved Neurokirurgisk afdeling, OdenseUniversitetshospital
1999 Introduktions reservelæge ved Ortopædkirurgisk afdeling, Sygehus Fyn, Middelfart
2000-2006 Kursusstilling i Neurokirurgi incl. 1 år som 1. reservelæge v. Wessex Neurocenter, neurokirurgisk afdeling, Southampton Uiversity Hospital, UK
2006- nu: Afdelingslæge, Neurokirurgisk afdeling, Odense Universitetshospital - og fra 2008 ligeledes uddannelsesansvarlig speciallæge, samt fra 2009 også forskningsansvarlig speciallæge v. Neurokirurgisk afd U, OUH
2009- nu: Speciallæge/konsulent ved RygCenter Mølholm, Privathospitalet Mølholm, Vejle
Ph.D. dissertation
Integration of fetal neocortical transplants with the damaged host brain.
Offentligt forsvar v. Loyola University of Chicago nov.10th 1994
Officiel modtagelse fra The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Program of Neuroscience, Loyola University of Chicago, mai 13th 1995
Dansk Neurokirurgisk selskab
Dansk Selskab for Neurovidenskab
WINS - women in neurosurgery
1990 First Erasmus Winterschool in Neuroscience, Leiden, Holland
1990 European Science Foundation: Modern methods in Nueroscience, Budapest
1990 American Society of Neuroscience, St. Louis, USA. Poster presentation
1991 Second Erasmus winterschool in Neuroscience, Aarhus, Denmark
1991 American Society of Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA. Posterpresentation
1992 IVth International symposium on neural transplantation, Washington, USA
1993 American Society of Neuroscience Washington, Posterpresentation
1993 Chicago Chapter Society of Neuroscience, Chicago, USA. Oral presentation
1994 Vth International symposium on Neuronal Transplantation, Paris, France. Poster presentation
1994 Danish Society of Neurology, Experimental neuroscience, Sandbjerg, Denmark
1995 IInd meeting of the American Society for Neural Transplantation, Florida, USA. Oral presentation
1995 Cambridge-Creteil-Odense Meeting, France. Oral presentation
1996 Cambridge-Creteil-Odense Meeting, UK. Oral presentation
1997 Odense-Lund meeting: Sweeden. Oral presentation
1998 International symposium: spinal cord injury and repair II. Denmark. Organizing committee
1999 3rd conference on cerebral oxygenation and metabolism, Germany. Oral presentation
1999 EANS - European neurosurgical conference. Oral presentation
2005 British Neurosurgical conference, UK
2007 Conference on cerebral oxygenation and metabolism. UK
2008 AANS, American neurosurgical conference, Chicago, USA.
2009 WFNS, World neurosurgical conference, Boston, USA.
1990 Schulz et al. Cholinergic fiber growth into fascia dentate transplants differ between newborn and adult recipient rats. Soc. Neuroscience. Abstr. 210-3
1991 Schulz et al. Intracerebral neocortical transplants cointainmeasurable amounts of neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr 25-9
Tillotson, Schulz et al. fetal neocortical transplants into focal ischemic lesions in adult rats. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 25-10
1992 Schulz et al. Choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase activities in neocortical grafts placed in newborn or adult rats. IVth International symposium on neural transplantation. 37 P3
1993 Schulz et al. Glial response to neocortical injection of the excitotoxin N-Methyl-D-Aspartic acid (NMDA) Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 280.2
1994 Schulz et al. C-fos expression in fetal neocortical grafts placed into newborn rats. American society for neural transplantation.
Schulz et al. Expression of c-fos mRNA and c-fos like pretein within fetal neocortical transplants placed into excitotoxin-induced cortical lesions in adult rats. Vth international symposium on neural transplantation.
Finsen, Schulz et al. Chemotactic and toxic cytokines in hippocampal injury. IVth international congress of neuroimmunology, J. neuroimmol. Vol.54 p. 1518.
1995 Schulz et al. The effect of fetal neocortical transplants on the cerebral cortical plasticity induced by cortical lesions made in newborn rats. VIth International symposium on neural transplantation.
1996 Tillotson, Schulz et al. Cortico-efferent plasticity is regulated by myelin associated neurite growth inhibitors in the adult rat. Soc. Neurosci abstr.
1993 Schulz et al. connectivity of fetal neocortical block transplants in the excitotoxically ablated cortex of adult rats. Exp. Brain Res. (1993) 96: 480-486
1994 Schulz et al. Expression of c-fos mRNA and c-fos protein in cortical transplants placed into the excitotoxically ablated cortex of adult rats. Exp. Neurol. (1994) 129:321-329
1995 Schulz et al. Fetal neocortical transplants grafted into the cortical lesion cavities made in newbon rats. An analysis of transplant integration with the host brain. Cell transplant. (1995) 7:127-136
Schulz et al. biochemical and anatomical analysis of cholinergic, noradrenergic and serotonergicv innervation of fetal neocortical transplants in the excitotoxically ablated cortex of adult rats. Restor. Neurol. Neurosci. (1995) 201:69-72
Tillotson, Schulz et al. Analysis of fetal neocortical transplants iplaced into focal ischemic lesions in adult rats. Neurosci. Lett. (1995) 201:69-72
1996 Schulz et al. The effect of fetal neocortical transplants on lesion-induced cerebral cortex plasticity. Cell Transplant. (1996) 5:279-286
1998 Schulz et al. Cholinergic innervation of fetal neocortical transplants is increased after neutralization of myelin-associated neurite growth inhibitors. Exp. Neurol. (1998) 149: 309-397
1999 Kartje, Schulz et al. Corticostriatal plasticity is restricted by myelin-associated neurite growth inhibitors in the adult rat. Annals of Neurology, (1999) 45:777-786
2000 Zeng, Mattesson, Schulz et al. Expression of zinc-positive cells and terminals in fetal neocortical homografts to adult rat depends on lesion type and rearing conditions.Exp. Neurol. (2000) 164:176-183
Schulz et al. Cerebral microdialysis monitoring: determination of normal and ischemic cerebral metabolism in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. J. Neurosurg. (2000) 93:808-814
2004 Skjøth-Rasmussen, Schulz et al. Delayed neurological deficits detected by an ischemic pattern in the extracellular cerebral metabolites in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. J. Neurosurg. (2004) 100:8-15

2005: Medicinsk embedseksamen fra Syddansk Universitet, Odense.
2013: Speciallæge i neurokirurgi
2014: Ph.D. Sundhedsvidenskab, Klinisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet.
2015: Forskningslektor, Klinisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet.
2018: Fellow/Clinical Instructor, Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford, California, US.
2005-2006: Turnusansættelse, Odense Universitetshospital og Almen Praksis
2006-2007: Introduktionsreservelæge v/ Neurokirurgisk afd. U, Odense Universitetshospital
2007-2012: Kursusstilling i neurokirurgi v/ Neurokirurgisk afd. U, Odense Universitetshospital
2012-2013: Kursusstilling i neurokirurgi v/ Neurokirurgisk afd., Århus Universitetshospital
2010-2014: Ph.D. Stipendiat, Klinisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet.
2013-2016: Afdelingslæge, Neurokirurgisk afd., Odense Universitetshospital.
2017-2018: Clinical Fellow/Clinical Instructor, Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford, California, US.
2016 - nu: Overlæge, Neurokirurgisk afd., Odense Universitetshospital.
2015 - nu: Lektor i neurokirurgi, Klinisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet.
2021 - nu: Speciallæge/konsulent ved RygCenter Mølholm, Privathospitalet Mølholm, Vejle.
Dansk Neurokirurgisk Selskab
Dansk Mikrokirurgisk Selskab
Over 40 publikationer i ”peer-reviewed” tidsskifter
Forfatter til kapitler i 2 lærebøger for neurokirurgi
Reviewer for tidsskrifter indenfor neurokirurgi og neuroanæstesiologi.
Orale- og posterpræsentationer
American Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting, Denver, US, 2011
The 6th International Conference on Biochemical Markers for Brain Damage, Lund, Sweden, 2011
World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies Interim Meeting, Puerto de Galinhas, Brazil, 2012
International Microdialysis Symposium, Berlin, Germany, 2014
Dansk Neurokirurgisk Selskab’s Årsmøde, Danmark 2014 og 2017
6th Translational Research Meeting on Neurological Diseases, Odense, Denmark, 2015,
International Stroke Conference, Los Angeles, US, 2018
Scandinavian Neurosurgical Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 2019.

Siden 2004, Koordinerende sygeplejerske og operationssygeplejerske, RygCenter Mølholm
2000-2004, Operationssygeplejerske, Privathospitalet Mølholm
1986-2000 Ortopædkirurgisk Afdeling, Århus Amtssygehus. Dels beskæftiget i ambulatorium og dels på operationsafdeling med subspeciale i idrætstraumatologi, håndkirurgi og bækkenkirurgi
1981-1986 Kirurgiske sengeafdelinger på Århus Amtssygehus og Intensiv Afd. N., Århus Kommunehospital
2015, august, aut. DXA-scanner operatør
2011, Syddansk universitet, Masterfag Sundhedsjura. MPQM
Studieture, kongresser og kurser
2019, november, Synthes, Spine ERFA
2018, juni, Berlin Kursus, Endoscopic disc, Karl Storz
2018, marts, Hands-on og ERFA-Møde, Medtronic, Ørestaden.
2017, sept., Region syd, Syddansk sundhedsinnovation, Temadag IBM Watson health
2016, sept., Kursus mikroscopic surgery, Karl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Tyskland
2016, sept., Temadag, Endoscopic disc, Karl Storz, Nurnberg, Tyskland
2016, nov., Spine ERFA, Synthes, Danmark
2015, nov., Synthes spine, ERFA
2014, nov., SASMO kongres.
2014, nov., Synthes spine, ERFA
2014, okt., Hologic, DXA kursus, Bruxelles, Belgien.
2013, nov., Synthes, Spine ERFA
2013, april, Storz. Tübingen, Universitetsklinik, Tyskland. Endoscopic Course, spine.
2013, feb., Retssikkerhed i sundhedsvæsenet. København. Kursus
2012, okt,. Synthes, Spine ERFA
2011, sept., Synthes, Advanced Spine. Kursus
2011, nov., Synthes, Spine ERFA
2010, sept., Synthes, Advanced Spine. Kursus
2010, nov., Synthes, Spine ERFA
2008, aug., Hands-on course, Medtronic, Lausanne, Schweiz
2008, maj, Spine week, Geneve, Schweiz
2007, okt., North American Spine Society, 22. annual meeting.
2007, marts, Schoenklinikken, Ortozentrum, München.
2007, okt., North American Spine Society, 22. annual meeting.
2007, marts Schoenklinikken, Ortozentrum, München.
2006, nov., Tuttlingen, Tyskland, studiebesøg og workshop vedr. udvikling af ny teknologi indenfor rygkirurgi.
2006, marts, NASS (North American Spine Society), Spring Break, San Diego, Californien. Kongres, Back to the Evidence.
2005, nov., Wilhemina Krankenhaus, Schweinfurt, Tyskland. Studietur.
2005, sept., Eurospine, Barcelona. Kongres.
2005, april, NASS, Spring Break, Bal Harbour, Florida. Kongres.
2004, dec., CSRS (Cervikal Spine Research Society), Boston. Kongres.
2004, aug., Texas Back Institute, Texas. www.texasback.com. Studiebesøg.
2004, aug., Oklahoma Spine Hospital, www.oklahomaspine.com. Studiebesøg.
2004, marts, NASS, Spring Break, Boca Raton, Florida. Kongres.